COLLECTOR PROFILE: Ellie Higham and Tony Trinh

  • We recently chatted with Vibrancy Coach Ellie Higham and Infectious
    Disease Doctor Tony Trinh about their approach to art collecting as a couple.
  • “Thinking in terms of collecting, I feel like it’s very natural. I guess that’s one of the keys to collecting,...

    “Thinking in terms of collecting, I feel

    like it’s very natural. I guess that’s one of

    the keys to collecting, it doesn’t feel like

    collecting, it just feels like living.


    We’ve always talked about collecting like

    we’re world building, putting all the pieces

    oF the ecosystem that we want together;

    sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t,

    but we have fun doing it.“

    – Tony Trinh

  • “Our wee pack of three was completed when we adopted our dog Dottie (…Full name Dorothy Mae Angela Nue Shelton...

    “Our wee pack of three was completed

    when we adopted our dog Dottie

    (…Full name Dorothy Mae Angela Nue

    Shelton Buckets Bolo Buxton

    Trinh Barclay Higham)… in 2017.”

    – Ellie Higham

  • Q: Okay – first what is this amazing color on your wall? It’s not red
    it’s not orange – it’s the best of both.
    A: Ellie: It’s called “Spiritual Warrior” isn’t it good!
    Q: When did you meet and how long have you been together?
    A: Ellie: We met in 2013 at a friends leaving dinner in Nairobi.
    Tony had been in Nairobi for 6-weeks and was supposed to be
    on a date that night, and it was my second weekend in Nairobi
    and I knew almost no one. It’s a total surprise that we met.
    We’ve been together ever since, three years of which were
    long distance (Tony was here and I was in Kenya).
    We got married in 2017 and I relocated here later that year.
    Q: What was the first piece you collected?
    A: Ellie: These two large works on canvas – they were the first
    big money we ever spent on art.  When I relocated it took about
    18 months for them to get here. Some of my stuff went missing.
    But thankfully they arrived finally. That was one of the most stressful
    things I’ve ever done.
    Q: How many pieces do you estimate to be in your art collection?
    A: Oh gosh! Hmmmmm 40-50 pieces (honestly it could be more)?
    I love prints, oils and acrylic paintings, and textiles. We’ve collected from
    all over the world, with an emphasis on places that mean something special
    to us like Nairobi, Seattle, Scotland (where I’m from), and Philly (where Tony’s from),
    and fav travel spots like Cape Town, Mumbai, and Mexico City. I lean toward
    abstract, intersectional feminist pieces with some humour and wit thrown in,
    and straight up beauty. We have a lot of my mum’s old off-cuts of fabric
    framed up to round out our collection.
  • MAGIC HANDS WITH MOON by Jennifer Ament installed in the Higham / Trinh home.

    MAGIC HANDS WITH MOON by Jennifer Ament installed in the Higham  / Trinh home.

  • Q: So how do you go about collecting?
    A: Tony: We have executive roles – and Ellie – one of hers is Chief
    Design Officer (laughing).
    A: Ellie: Yeah – that’s a new title we just made up today.
    A: Tony: Everything really is kind of collaborative. Ellie says – “We’re
    going to get this” – and I say – “Okay” (laughing).
  • “Color was always big for me – my mother is an artist – but I think when I moved to...

    Vibrancy Coach Ellie Higham in her office full of inspiring color.

    “Color was always big for me –

    my mother is an artist –  but think

    when I moved to Seattle – I was like

    color is going to be my thing since

    it’s so gray here.” 

    – Ellie Higham

  • Q: What do you do with works you are no longer interested in? 
    A: Ellie: Ha! They get stacked for a while and then rearranged with a
    new paint colour. I sometimes give pieces away if I’m over something
    but a friend loves it. 
    A: Tony: …I always had a lot of prints and posters that I would put up
    and frame and they would just sort of disappear as life went on…
    They’re all conserved.
  • On their tattoos – “It’s the thing that’s most akin to collecting art before actually having a place to put...

    On their tattoos –


    “It’s the thing that’s most akin to

    collecting art before actually

    having a place to put it in.”

    – Tony Trinh


    “My Mom was an artist and a sewer,

    and Igrew up near the Singer sewing

    machine factory.One of the local

    train stations was also called Singer,

    and so I grew up with this just everywhere.

    And it seemed right.”

    – Ellie Higham


    • Gabe Brown, April Sky, 2022
      Gabe Brown, April Sky, 2022
    • Jennifer Ament, Party at Jen's House (After the Plague), 2020
      Jennifer Ament, Party at Jen's House (After the Plague), 2020
    • Gabe Brown, Gamma Ray, 2022
      Gabe Brown, Gamma Ray, 2022 Sold