We were thrilled with the opportunity to meet with Artist/Designer/EducatorTimothy Siciliano and Nutritional Scientist Lewis Chang to chat about theirapproach to collecting art in their beautiful Seattle home.
Timothy Siciliano and Lewis Chang at their home in the Columbia City neighborhood of Seattle.
Q & A
Q: When/where did you meet and how long have you been together?A: We won’t disclose where we met – but around fifteen years of happiness.Q: How many pieces do you estimate to be in your art collection?A: One hundred plus. Our art ranges from thrift store gems, Mexicanarts and crafts, contemporary Northwest artists, Native American artists,contemporary African and Asian artists, Aboriginal artists –we’re global in our view of art. -
Q: As collectors, how does living with a piece of art affect your daily life?A: We refer to our art as family. When we purchase a new piece we saywe have a “new family member.”Q: What do you do with works you are no longer interested in?A: We rotate – we try to find room for all the family members.Q: Are there any works that you no longer have room for or wishto move on from?A: So far we have no family members itching to leave our nest.Q: What is your personal “tried-and-true” philosophy on collectingart you would pass on to new collectors?A: Buy what you love. Be spontaneous, be strategic, look and look andlook at art from all over the world and in every genre, all the time.The more you see, the more you will learn what grabs you and themore your appetite broadens.
Q: What is it like collecting as a couple? How do you decide on a piece?A: Timothy: It’s a blast! We love enjoying art together. Sometimes weboth just love a piece at the same time. Other times I’m all set on a pieceand Lewis brings me down to earth (where would that go? we can’t affordthis right now, etc.). Other times I do that for him. And then other times,well, a piece of art just shows up. Surprise Timothy! Look what I bought!-or- Surprise Lewis! Look what I bought!So far we haven’t done anything too out of line.