• ZINC contemporary is proud to present a group invitational exhibition curated by Gallery Associate, Shannon Bodrogi.

    Entitled VIM, this online exhibition features the artworks of Sofia Arnold, Jackie Bradshaw, Ashley Norwood Cooper, Jian Giannini, Justin N. Kim, Genevieve Leavold, Kevin Muñoz, Joy Taylor, Betsy Walton, Markeith Woods, and Jessie Woodward. 

    Originating in the 1800s “vim” is a word that is rarely seen without its redundant counterpoint “vigor”, both meaning vitality, strength, exuberance, high spirits, and infectious energy. Upon isolating the word VIM from its partner, one can sense the vibrational sound of the word, the energy within as a wavelength. It is light and quick, loud and colorful, a jolt in an otherwise quiet time - winter. The opposite of winter - a time when things are dormant, quiet and still -  the natural world hibernates and dies. With this death and rest comes a murmuring of activity, and growth is taking place. VIM celebrates the underground ardor that bubbles beneath the surface. 

    These works have been selected for their vibrancy, movement, and energy.  A broad cross-selection of abstraction and figuration is covered by these established, emerging, and outsider artists. One gets the sense of an underground movement of talent - unseen growth, a bubbling effervescence, a geyser soon to erupt.