The Playful And The Personal: Rachel Campbell

Tamera Lenz Muente, Artists Magazine, April 1, 2020

When Artists Magazine asked North Carolina-based artist Rachel Campbell to be part of its garden issue, she admits she was skeptical. “I never considered myself a painter of gardens,” says the New Zealandborn artist, laughing. “But, once I started thinking about it, I realized my paintings are full of gardens and objects that relate to nature and growth.” Botanical imagery abounds in Campbell’s work, from interiors teeming with floral patterns to front porches replete with potted plants. Towering trees and lush lawns set scenes in suburban America, while twisting vines and colorful blossoms reveal beauty in unexpected places. “Plants are often an integral part of the stories I wish to tell,” she says. Gardens are cultivated by people, and when seen uninhabited, they bear the presence of their creators. In Campbell’s paintings, these traces of humanity are palpable and central to her intent. Environment as Portrait.